13 Feb 2023

Meet the Expert – Illiyin Morrison from Mixing Up Motherhood


We spoke to Illiyin Morrison from Mixing Up Motherhood to find out more about her business and expertise for parents.


1.  Tell us about yourself and Mixing Up Motherhood?


My name is Illiyin Morrison and I am the face of Mixing Up Motherhood. I am a midwife, mother of two and author.

My business offers a birth debriefing service for those who have been impacted by either traumatic, disappointing or negative perinatal experiences, from preconception to well into the postpartum period. I started this service 2 years ago and have supported over 600 women and their families since.

I have broadened my offering and also sell affirmation cards for overcoming birthing trauma and postpartum relationship conversation starter cards which are there to support postpartum couples who are struggling to communicate.


2. Why and how did you start your business?


I suffered from birth trauma myself after the birth of my daughter and felt I had nowhere to place that experience, this led me towards my own healing and filling the gap that I believe and have proven was desperately needed. I have been a midwife for 6 years, I no longer wanted to work clinically and needed to find something that would bring both joy and stability for myself and my family.

There is no mystery behind how I started it, I already had an Instagram page with about 5,000 followers and so just put it out there on my Instagram stories as an offering and the rest is history!


3. What impact did your consultations have on parents?


I have had couples come back and tell me that the sessions have not only changed their parenting experience but their lives. There is something absolutely incredible about having that impact but I don’t credit myself, I see it as facilitating someone seeing themselves, the only credit is theirs.


4. What is your advice for parents?


One of the most pieces of advice I give to parents is to place low expectations on themselves, this is in terms of productivity, emotional responses and so on. If the expectation is low, everything seems like a win. Parenting is already hard enough without placing high expectations on yourself and then berating yourself when you don’t meet them.


Thank you for sharing this post Illiyin and welcome to the bndle family!

Head over to lifestages pages on our homepage to discover Mixing Up Motherhood’s consultations.

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